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AdC's Achievements in 2023 - 1 year in 1 minute
AdC's Achievements in 2023 - 1 year in 1 minute

AdC: choice is better with competition
The AdC - Portuguese Competition Authority has been established since 2003 to enforce and promote competition in the markets.
Find out why the choice is better with competition.
Find out why the choice is better with competition.

O Programa de Clemência está agora à distância de um clique!
The Leniency Programme is now one click away!

A AdC deseja-lhe Boas Festas | The AdC wishes you Happy Holidays
The AdC wishes you Happy Holidays

Regulamento dos Mercados Digitais / Digital Markets Act
The regulation of digital markets was also part of the program of the VI Lisbon Conference with a panel of experienced speakers: Jacques Crémer, Catherine Batchelor, Lucia Bonova and Tim Lamb and moderation by Giorgio Monti.

A corrida para a IA: um impacto positivo na concorrência / Race to AI: getting competition right
The VI Lisbon Conference offered a unique opportunity to participate in the discussion on the impact of AI (Artificial Intelligence) on competition with a panel of renowned international experts: Francesco Decarolis, Mike Walker, Cristina Caffarra, Frédéric Jenny and moderated by Penelope Papandropoulos, Head of Unit, Data Analysis and Technology, DG Competition, European Commission.

Desenvolvimentos recentes no controlo de operações de concentração / Recent trends in merger control
The VI Lisbon Conference addressed the recent trends in merger control with a panel of excellent speakers - Cani Fernandez, Patrick Rey, António Ferreira Gomes and John Newman - and moderated by Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Member of the Board of the AdC.

Fire-chat Aviv Nevo & Ana Sofia Rodrigues
The VI Lisbon Conference welcomed Aviv Nevo, Director of Bureau of Economics Office of the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), for a conversation with Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Member of the Board of AdC, on possible reformulations to the application of Competition Law.

Desenvolvimentos recentes em cartéis / Recent trends in cartels
The VI Lisbon Conference brought the discussion on the recent trends in cartels investigation and enforcement, with a panel of varied speakers: Gustavo Augusto Freitas de Lima, Elisabetta Iossa and Tina Søreide moderated by Teresa Moreira.

Keynote - Luís Cabral
Luís Cabral, Paganelli-Bull Professor of Economics and Director of the Economics Department at New York University's Stern School of Business, will be a keynote speaker at the VI Lisbon Conference, where he will bring an economic research perspective to the new directions of competition policy.

Sessão de Encerramento / Closing Session
In the closing session of the VI Lisbon Conference, Nuno Cunha Rodrigues, President of the AdC, assured that "the AdC is acting in all fronts in order to keep delivering strong and robust competition policy enforcement. He added that he was "counting with the support of the institutions at national and EU level to overcome the challenges that we are facing".

Keynote - Marc van der Woude
The President of the General Court of the European Union, Marc van der Woude, was the keynote speaker at the VI Lisbon Conference. Watch the speech dedicated to the example of spontaneous integration in the European Competition Network.

Vídeo Resumo Conferência de Lisboa / Video Report Lisbon Conference
The VI Lisbon Conference brought together more than 300 participants between November 8 and 9. It was an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences in competition law and economics with some of the most prestigious international competition experts.
Watch the video report.
Watch the video report.