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C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 33-34

C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 33-34

january / june 2018
In this issue: Public and Private options as the basis for Privatization Procedures of Airports; Financial crisis and Regulation: The bail-in mechanism for financial institutions and its ability to prevent or to reduce the need to use the bail-out option; Creation of a European Supervisory System for Capital Markets and the development of a harmonized set of rules focused to complete the Capital Markets Union and reinforce the powers of ESMA; Can a national measure aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of fiscal controls in situations involving third States be qualified as a restriction to the free movement of capital and justified under EU Law?; Does the Framework-Law of Regulatory Authorities guarantee an economic-financial management of Regulators, independent from political power?; The impact of the European Data Protection Regulation on the public enforcement of Competition Law; Advocacy and Compliance in Competition Law; Association Agreements in Brazil; Blockchain and Competition Law; Impact of the Coty judgement on e-commerce; Concurrency of infringements in Securities’ law; The AdC’s exclusive public enforcement powers; Data portability; Case-law commentary on case C-248/16 (definition of ‘concentration’, change in the form of control of an existing undertaking which, previously exclusive, becomes joint, creation of a joint venture performing on a lasting basis all the functions of an autonomous economic entity, legal basis).