Anticompetitive practices are corporate behaviours that call into question the normal functioning of a competitive market.
These practices can take the form of agreements, of other forms of cooperation, or of initiatives by business associations that prevent companies from independently defining their commercial policy on the market, and also through unilateral abuse of market power.
The AdC is tasked with detecting, investigating, and sanctioning anticompetitive practices, which are forbidden by Competition Law, and thus create incentives for companies to compete on their merits.
Anticompetitive practices take the form, for example, of cartels between competitors to set prices, limit production, allocate customers or markets; or of unilateral conduct by companies with significant market power that exploits consumers, excludes competition, or prevents its development.
What types of anticompetitive practices are there?
These unlawful conducts of companies haves direct consequences for consumers who are offered less competitive prices and access to a lower quantity or quality of products and services.
The AdC is vigilant to all behaviours that do not comply with national and European Union competition laws. By using its sanctioning powers, it is responsible for imposing fines and adopting interim measures.

Certain commercial practices may violate the law. To which other entities should you report harmful practices?
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How can we fight bid rigging?
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