The AdC is a member of the European Competition Network (ECN) which brings together the competition authorities of the 27 Member States and the European Commission.
The ECN started its activity in 2004, with the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003, and it aims to ensure an efficient and consistent application of competition laws in all the European Union through diversified cooperation mechanisms.
The ECN is also a discussion forum on competition policy that frames cooperation between its members in the consistent application of Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), promoting a common culture of competition in the EU and collaboration in the control of business mergers and State aid.
The fundamental principles of the ECN discussion forum, including criteria for the division of work among the Network members, are set out on the following documents:
For more information, visit the ECN website. Get to know the Official Journal of the EU and stay up to the speed on the news.